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As a leading ‘search platform’ for institutional asset owners and from our close partnership with Pensions & Investments, Global Fund Search has unique access and insight into the work and preferences of institutional selection teams around the globe. The knowledge we accumulate ultimately makes us able to systematically identify the leading asset managers, e.g. within sustainable investing.

Sustainable investing is one of the major themes that we see among our investor-clients today, and it is a theme that is likely to play an important role in institutional investing for many years to come. Therefore, we dedicate this section of our platform to the leading asset managers and products that we, and our investor-network, see in this space.

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Sustainable Equity Leaders

ESG Handbook

GFS Handbook

Launched in collaboration with nordsip

ESG leadership is a status that most institutional asset managers are looking to attain; however, it can be difficult for investors to see through the marketing (and potential greenwashing) that is also a part of the game when significant amounts of assets flow towards a specific investment theme.

Therefore, the ESG Leaders program and the ESG Handbook attempt to identify the ESG leaders and thereby support institutional selection teams in their (re)search for external asset managers.

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News Stories


ESG News Update June 2024

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, relevant for selection teams and sustai...

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ESG News Update March 2024

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, relevant for selection teams and sustai...

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ESG News Update December 2023

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, relevant for selection teams and sustai...

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ESG News Update September 2023

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, relevant for selection teams and sustai...

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ESG News Update July 2023

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, relevant for selection teams and sustai...

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ESG News Update March 2023

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update January 2023

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update December 2022

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News update October 2022

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update June 2022

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update April 2022

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update February 2022

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update November 2021

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update September 2021

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update May 2021

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update March 2021

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update December 2020

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update August 2020

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update June 2020

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update March 2020

Here are the top news, stories, observations, white papers etc. that we hear about in the market and with relevance for selection teams within sust...

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Nordsip Pensions Investments

White papers

Global Leaders Strategy Investment Letter: January 2024
Reflections on Stewardship
Irrational Behaviour, Rational Investing: How We Overcome Our Biases
2024 Long-Term Capital Markets Outlook -Orange Book
The Race for a Better EV battery
The Carbon Calculation Conundrum
Its a Wrap How Consumer Behavior Is Shaping the Future of Plastic Packaging
Pay Dirt Capitalizing on the Electrification of Landscaping
It's Always Sunny in Xian Chinas Solar Solution to Europe's Gas Problem
Parnassus Investments Revisiting Nuclear Energy Viewpoint
Biodiversity: The Neglected Existential Risk
Climate Market Assumptions in the Climate Cris
Tracking Net Zero Progress
Why India: Investing in the Indian Subcontinent
Why India: A Favourable Macro Enviroment
Why India: Home to High-Quality Companies
Rethinking Sustainable Investing Approaches: Fitting evaluation to the goals and scale of today
ESG in Action: Linde
A Fresh Look at Thematic Investing
Commited to Climate: Our Net Zero Roadmap
Learning from the Past, Looking into the Future
The $2.5 Trillion Window for Diversification and Opportunity
The Great Energy Transition
Mackenzie Greenbook 2023 Environmental Outlook
Tackling Climate Change in Emerging Markets
Approach to Sustainable Equities Investing: Sustainable Returns – Better Stocks for a Better World
Developed Market Sovereign Bonds: ESG Factors Under the Spotlight
ESG in Action: Volkswagen
ESG in Depth: A Framework for Assessing Natural Capital Risks and Opportunities in the Food Sector
Nature and Biodiversity Loss: How is it Relevant to Portfolios?
The Exponential Problems of Predicting the Future
Why CCS technologies are capturing investor attention
Responsible Investment Research Philosophy
A Circular Transition for Plastics
Nuclear Poised to Reverse Negative Perceptions
Energy Crisis Response: Repowering Europe
Jet Zero – How Investors can Get on Board for the Long-Haul of Aviation Decarbonisation
The Problem with ESG Scores
Why Does Stewardship Matter in Emerging Markets?
Avoiding the Perils and Pitfalls for High Impact Healthcare Investment
Is Europe Leading the Way in Sustainable Business?
Elevating The “G” in ESG
ESG in Action - Adidas
Climate Change is Everyone’s Business
Emerging Market Equities: Identifying the Key Long-Term Trend
Municipal Bonds and ESG: Natural Synergies, Growing Focus
Commentary on the "IEA" Net Zero Pathway
Corporate Engagement Spotlight: Ethical AI Practices
Moving Forward 2021 Sustainable Investing Perspectives
Opportunities and Challenges In a Net-Zero Carbon World - One Year On
The Game has Changed - The New Road to Net Zero
Investing in Cybersecurity
The International Energy Agency (IEA) Net Zero Pathway
Sustainable Aviation Fuel is Ready for Take-off
Covid-19 index: when might life return to ‘normal’?
Climate change, net zero and the employment myth
Sustainability isn't for free
Sustainable Cities
Responsible_Consumption and Production
Renewable Energy
The Rise of Micro mobility and Green Urban Spaces
The Materiality of The S In ESG
Take ESG Ratings With A Grain Of Salt
Climate Change Risk Management: There Is No Planet B
ESGenius: Getting ‘hydrogen ready’
Boosting Sea Legs
Two Decades of Sustainable Equity Investing
How Top-Down Governance Analysis Adds Value
ESG Scores as a Measure of Quality
The Waste Side Story - the other side of consumption
More than a decade of ESG integration
The Cost of ESG
Sustainable Perspectives
Healthy Returns - Sustainable Investing in the Health Care Sector
Sustainability – What to Look for in 2023?
Biodiversity: Latest Findings Show Companies Happy to Commit, Less Happy to Act
Equity Beat: Playing To Our Strengths
Equity Beat: Can Semi Stocks Keep Knocking Our SOX Off?
Equity Beat: Do Medicare (Dis)Advantage Challenges Create Opportunities in Managed Care Stocks?
Equity Beat: Is A Continuation Of The Market Rally A Bridge Too Far?
ESG, Shorthand, and Shortcuts


ESG philosophy

Parnassus Investments

At Parnassus, our mission is to build wealth responsibly for long-term investors. To drive long-term value for our investors and in pursuit of a more sustainable future, Parnassus integrates environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into investment decision making, proxy voting and engagement strategies. We believe that companies best create value for investors when they consider stakeholder impacts alongside financial metrics in business planning and strategic decision making. We expect companies to respect human, worker and community rights; invest in an engaged, diverse and inclusive workforce; provide safe, healthy and equitable products and services; operate ethically and transparently; minimize and mitigate environmental impacts; and hold their suppliers to similar standards. We believe that investors, companies and society prosper best when these conditions are met. We encourage companies to integrate ESG considerations into their businesses so they can better manage and mitigate salient ESG risks, build more resilient and sustainable businesses and identify long-term opportunities for leadership and innovation. We believe that strong ESG practices and performance can be signs of a high-quality management team and long-term strategic orientation. We also believe it is the right thing to do. Through our Principles we outline our expectations for how companies should manage their impact on stakeholders, the environment, and society, and serve as the foundation for our ESG strategy.

GW&K Investment Management

Established in 1974, GW&K is an active manager in pursuit of quality investments. ESG considerations have been long-standing elements of the firm’s investment and decision-making process. We are meticulous in our research approach to make well informed investment decisions. By incorporating ESG considerations into our process, we aim to improve the performance of our investment strategies while achieving the best possible risk-adjusted return for our clients. We may adjust our assessment of an investment based on a number of considerations including ESG.

Harding Loevner LP

Harding Loevner’s responsible approach to investing encompasses the following dimensions:

Responsible Investment Selection

    • ESG screening: eliminating securities of poorly governed companies;
    • ESG integration: considering Environmental, Social and Governance risk and return factors in the security selection process; and
    • Accountability for ESG incorporation: overseeing and implementing responsible investment

Active Ownership

    • Voting: voting all proxies in the interests of our clients, the asset owners, as we best determine or as they direct;
    • Company engagement: engaging with managements of companies in which we have invested for the purpose of influencing their behavior for the benefit of public shareholders such as our clients, the asset owners, including with respect to managements’ consideration of ESG issues that affect expected risks and returns; and
    • Institutional support for active ownership: adhering to the Principles for Responsible Investment and the UK Stewardship

Meeting Client Goals

    • Client-directed screening: eliminating securities of companies engaged in activities or practices that our client, the asset owner, seeks to avoid;
    • ESG benchmarking: managing portfolios with reference to ESG-influenced market indices selected by our client, the asset owner;
    • Climate-related strategies: managing portfolios focused on investments only in companies with a viable pathway to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions; and
    • Client- directed engagement: engaging with portfolio holdings on behalf of clients on the issues important to our

Boston Common Asset Management

Boston Common believes ESG research helps improve portfolio quality and financial return potential. We integrate ESG related factors into the investment process because we believe ESG research helps identify companies that will be successful over the long-term.

We believe that long-term oriented decision-making will improve the fundamentals of the companies that we invest in, eventually becoming reflected in the value of the shares. These improvements may take the form of lower risk premia, higher earnings, cost savings, product or process innovation, or policy changes.

We seek impactful companies that can capitalize on new market opportunities, implement efficiency improvements, and avoid unanticipated costs stemming from inadequate attention to ESG risks. While our proprietary ESG assessments might omit a company from our universe that another fundamental manager might retain, we believe that companies that minimize their ESG risks will outperform in the long-term.

Overall, we seek to preserve and build capital through diversified portfolios of what we believe are high-quality, sustainable, stocks. Across all our equity (US, International & EM) strategies, we look for indicators of quality in firms operating successfully in economic sectors with superior end-market growth or improving industry competitive dynamics, but that appear to be trading at discounts to their intrinsic value. Here our research-driven conviction is enhanced by our 360-degree perspective, developed by integrating financial and ESG criteria into the stock selection process. Our portfolios are fossil fuel free with a strong record of engagement-driven impact.

Artemis Investment Management

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Sustainable products
  • Parnassus Growth Equity
  • Parnassus US Core Equity
  • Parnassus US Value Equity
  • Parnassus US Mid Cap Equity
  • Parnassus US Mid Cap Growth Equity
  • GW&K Global Small Cap
  • Harding Loevner Global Equity Strategy
  • Harding Loevner Global Paris-Aligned Equity Strategy
  • Harding Loevner International Equity Strategy
  • Harding Loevner Emerging Markets Equity Strategy
  • Harding Loevner Global Small Companies Equity Strategy
  • Harding Loevner International Small Companies Equity Strategy
  • Harding Loevner Frontier Emerging Markets Equity Strategy
  • Harding Loevner Global Developed Markets Equity Strategy
  • Harding Loevner International Developed Markets Equity Strategy
  • Boston Common Emerging Markets Equity
  • Boston Common Global Equity Impact Strategy
  • Artemis Positive Future
Reports, Documents & Media
White paper(s)
Parnassus Investments Revisiting Nuclear Energy Viewpoint
It's Always Sunny in Xian Chinas Solar Solution to Europe's Gas Problem
Pay Dirt Capitalizing on the Electrification of Landscaping
Its a Wrap How Consumer Behavior Is Shaping the Future of Plastic Packaging

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Asset Class Alpha

Top performers

Top performers

No.StrategyBenchmarkAsset Class
1Fidelity Funds Sustainable Global EquityMSCI ACWI ESG Leaders NGlobal Equity
2Storebrand Global ESG PlusMSCI World NRGlobal Equity
3FIIG US Equity ESGS&P 500US Equity
4BNP Paribas US GrowthRUSSELL 1000 GROWTH (RI)US Equity
5FIIG Global Equity Focused ESGMSCI WorldGlobal Equity

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