December 2022
Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, relevant for selection teams and sustainable investing.
#1 New ESG Handbook launched by Global Fund Search & NordSIP
ESG leadership is a status that most institutional asset managers are looking to attain; however, it can be difficult for investors to see through the marketing (and potential greenwashing) that is also a part of the game when significant amounts of assets flow towards a specific investment theme. Therefore, the ESG Leaders program and the ESG Handbook attempt to identify the ESG leaders and thereby support institutional selection teams in their (re)search for external asset managers.
Access the full Handbook here (source: Global Fund Search & NordSIP)
#2 25 worst corporate climate saboteurs exposed
80% of the 25 worst companies in the InfluenceMap ranking have made net-zero commitments, and almost half of them are ranked A- or higher by the CDP for climate-related disclosure. These firms make all the right noises in public and would get away with their greenwashing attempts were it not for the additional scrutiny carried out by organisations like ShareAction and InfluenceMap.
Read the full article here (source: NordSIP)
#3 The multi-trillion sustainable investment opportunity in real assets
The investment opportunity in ensuring existing infrastructure and real estate assets meet the evolving needs of society is set to be worth upwards of $130trn over the next three decades. We are already witnessing a multitude of compelling corporate opportunities tied to the themes of environmental and social stewardship and technological evolution.
Read the full article here (sources: Money marketing)
#4 Sustainable Development Goals: How India and the world are doing
It is perhaps not surprising that the world was fulfilling SDGs way before they were even put on the agenda. It simply reflects that SDGs are mostly promises of good things that everyone would like to see happen—like fewer poor and starving people in a world with more opportunity and less destruction. As the world has improved, with better education and fewer poor, our global SDG score has increased.
Read the full article here (source: mint)
#5 ESG Shouldn’t Convince Anyone Anymore. Look at the World Cup
Fund managers have long said that if you follow the ESG rules, you can’t help but win: You’ll make money and you’ll feel good too. It’s looking like they’re wrong. Look at it through the lens of the World Cup. Of the 32 countries playing in this year’s tournament, host nation Qatar ranks 24th in ESG terms, as measured by asset manager M&G Plc . It scores badly on political rights, civil liberties, the treatment of migrant workers and environmental risks; but it does pretty well on rule of law, poverty and inequality reduction, and social stability.
Read the full article here (source: Ignites Europe)