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About the Leaders Universe

As a leading ‘search platform’ for institutional asset owners and from our close partnership with Pensions & Investments, Global Fund Search has unique access and insight into the work and preferences of institutional selection teams around the globe. The knowledge we accumulate ultimately makes us able to systematically identify the leading asset managers, e.g. within sustainable investing.

Sustainable investing is one of the major themes that we see among our investor-clients today, and it is a theme that is likely to play an important role in institutional investing for many years to come. Therefore, we dedicate this section of our platform to the leading asset managers and products that we, and our investor-network, see in this space.

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Sustainable Private Markets Leaders

ESG Handbook

GFS Handbook

Launched in collaboration with nordsip

ESG leadership is a status that most institutional asset managers are looking to attain; however, it can be difficult for investors to see through the marketing (and potential greenwashing) that is also a part of the game when significant amounts of assets flow towards a specific investment theme.

Therefore, the ESG Leaders program and the ESG Handbook attempt to identify the ESG leaders and thereby support institutional selection teams in their (re)search for external asset managers.

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News Stories


ESG News Update June 2024

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, relevant for selection teams and sustai...

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ESG News Update March 2024

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, relevant for selection teams and sustai...

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ESG News Update December 2023

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, relevant for selection teams and sustai...

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ESG News Update September 2023

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, relevant for selection teams and sustai...

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ESG News Update July 2023

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, relevant for selection teams and sustai...

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ESG News Update March 2023

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update January 2023

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update December 2022

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News update October 2022

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update June 2022

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update April 2022

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update February 2022

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update November 2021

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update September 2021

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update May 2021

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update March 2021

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update December 2020

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update August 2020

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update June 2020

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update March 2020

Here are the top news, stories, observations, white papers etc. that we hear about in the market and with relevance for selection teams within sust...

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Nordsip Pensions Investments

White papers

The Integration of Climate risk in the Real Estate Investment Process
An Investor’s Guide to Climate Collaboration
Infrastructure as Inflation Hedge
No Time to be Passive
Sustainability Vision - Pathway to 2040
Our Real Estate Journey to Net-Zero


ESG philosophy

At Invesco, our commitment to sustainable investing is a key element of our ambition to be the most client-centric asset manager. For many of our clients, long-term value creation and effective risk mitigation are fundamental to achieving their investment goals. As a result, we offer a range of sustainable investment solutions that help our clients to express their values across active, passive, equity, fixed income, real estate, multi-factor, and other exposures.

At the direction of our clients, we are able to integrate material extra-financial factors, including ESG factors, that help us as we seek to deliver strong outcomes to clients. As investors in global equities, corporate and sovereign fixed income instruments, as well as real estate and multi-asset strategies, we recognize the differences between asset classes and geographies. We are able to apply ESG principles in a variety of ways and the degree is dependent on the asset class and strategy.

In general, our teams may consider ESG as one input to their investment process as part of a holistic consideration of the investment risk and opportunity. Our portfolio managers have absolute discretion on the view taken on any given ESG risk or opportunity and may consider the following core aspects:

  • Materiality: The consideration of ESG issues on a risk-adjusted basis and in an economic context. We do not view ESG aspects as constraints, aside from certain restrictions driven by legal obligations in certain territories.
  • Momentum: The concept of improving ESG characteristics over time is particularly interesting in our view. We find that companies whose ESG practices are improving may enjoy favourable financial performance in the longer term.
  • Engagement: We take our responsibility as stewards of capital very seriously and see engagement as an opportunity to help achieve long-term value creation. Dialogue with portfolio companies is a core part of the investment process for our fundamental teams. We often participate in board-level dialogue and are instrumental in giving shareholder views on management, corporate strategy, transparency, and capital allocation, as well as wider ESG aspects.

And at the heart of our approach is a dedicated Global ESG Team, who act as a centre of excellence to guide and support our investment managers, as well as informing and directing our ESG focus.

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Sustainable products
  • Invesco European Senior Loan ESG Fund
  • Invesco US Senior Loan ESG Fund

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