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About the Leaders Universe

As a leading ‘search platform’ for institutional asset owners and from our close partnership with Pensions & Investments, Global Fund Search has unique access and insight into the work and preferences of institutional selection teams around the globe. The knowledge we accumulate ultimately makes us able to systematically identify the leading asset managers, e.g. within sustainable investing.

Sustainable investing is one of the major themes that we see among our investor-clients today, and it is a theme that is likely to play an important role in institutional investing for many years to come. Therefore, we dedicate this section of our platform to the leading asset managers and products that we, and our investor-network, see in this space.

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Sustainable Private Markets Leaders

ESG Handbook

GFS Handbook

Launched in collaboration with nordsip

ESG leadership is a status that most institutional asset managers are looking to attain; however, it can be difficult for investors to see through the marketing (and potential greenwashing) that is also a part of the game when significant amounts of assets flow towards a specific investment theme.

Therefore, the ESG Leaders program and the ESG Handbook attempt to identify the ESG leaders and thereby support institutional selection teams in their (re)search for external asset managers.

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News Stories


ESG News Update June 2024

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, relevant for selection teams and sustai...

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ESG News Update March 2024

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, relevant for selection teams and sustai...

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ESG News Update December 2023

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, relevant for selection teams and sustai...

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ESG News Update September 2023

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, relevant for selection teams and sustai...

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ESG News Update July 2023

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, relevant for selection teams and sustai...

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ESG News Update March 2023

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update January 2023

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update December 2022

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News update October 2022

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update June 2022

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update April 2022

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update February 2022

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update November 2021

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update September 2021

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update May 2021

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update March 2021

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update December 2020

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update August 2020

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update June 2020

Here are the top news, stories, observations and other interesting things that we hear about in the market, with relevance for selection teams and ...

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ESG News Update March 2020

Here are the top news, stories, observations, white papers etc. that we hear about in the market and with relevance for selection teams within sust...

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Nordsip Pensions Investments

White papers

The Integration of Climate risk in the Real Estate Investment Process
An Investor’s Guide to Climate Collaboration
Infrastructure as Inflation Hedge
No Time to be Passive
Sustainability Vision - Pathway to 2040
Our Real Estate Journey to Net-Zero


ESG philosophy

CBRE Investment Management seeks to deliver sustainable real asset solutions through strategies focusing on direct real estate, indirect real estate, real estate credit, infrastructure and private equity, and listed real assets. We have the responsibility and opportunity to enhance the sustainability of the environment, the well-being of people and to positively influence our operating partners, occupiers, supply chain and industry. Our Sustainability Vision (“Vision”) recognizes that ESG factors are fundamental to our business and to drive long-term outperformance in the real assets portfolios we manage. We seek to implement our Vision through our stewardship, including influencing our operating partners, underlying managers and investee companies.

In our Vision, we seek to lead the transition to a sustainable, net-zero carbon, resilient, equitable and healthy society. Recognizing that this can be achieved only as a collaborative effort, we encourage our partners to join us in delivering this ambition together. We focus on three material ESG topics, identified through comprehensive stakeholder engagement:

  • Climate: Address climate-related risks and opportunities by focusing on delivering net-zero carbon performance and physical resilience.
  • People: Champion diversity, equity, inclusion and the well-being of our people and other stakeholders.
  • Influence: Engage and positively influence key stakeholders where we do not have direct management control

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Sustainable products
  • CBRE European Residential Impact Fund
  • CBRE Pan European Core Fund
  • CBRE Dutch Retail Fund
  • CBRE Dutch Office Fund
  • CBRE Dutch Residential Fund
  • CBRE UK Affordable Housing Fund
  • CBRE Europe Logistics Partners
White paper(s)
Sustainability Vision - Pathway to 2040

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