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The leading investment manager selection platform for institutionals and their advisors.

Global Fund Search connects institutional investors with the leading investment managers across the globe and within all asset classes.

Selection professionals are provided with global investment manager depth and a superior framework for managing their selection process.

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For the institutional investor

As an investor you need to identify skillful investment managers and Global Fund Search provides you with a highly effective and 100% free search platform for that. Your search will be exposed to investment managers ranging from the small niche managers to the largest names in the industry.

Our service works “on your request” which means that we don’t maintain a stationary database with product information, but instead we contact managers directly and collect data from those managers who have competitive products that fit your needs and preferences. The result is a search process with a superior product fit and quality. Our framework for managing the process is second to none, and will save you a lot of time!

Institutional investors can use the platform free of charge, and in an anonymous way.

For the investment manager

Global Fund Search provides access to an approved institutional investor base and provide investment managers with the opportunity to build investor relationships and compete for institutional size mandates.

Global Fund Search supports open architecture principles which e.g. means that any manager can access the platform free of charge. In order to participate in a search a fixed data handling fee applies to every product submitted to the investor, no other fees apply.

All data on the platform is treated with confidentiality and only shared with the underlying investor.

Open a free account today!

Open an account today and start using our extensive analytical investor-platform or get increased opportunities to increase your AUM.